.. highlight:: shell-session #################### Development Tutorial #################### Required Tools ============== * `Git `_ * `Git-LFS `_ * `Anaconda Python 3.6+ `_ * Text Editor or IDE * `Atom `_ is recommended * However, VSCode, SublimeText3, PyCharm, Emacs, and Komodo Edit are all good options as well. * `Pandoc `_ for Documentation * `wkhtmltopdf `_ Stable * A working C/C++ Compiler (MinGW recommended) Setup Process ============= #. Install your C/C++ Compiler, making sure that its tools end up in your path. #. Install Git using its default settings. #. Install Git-LFS using its default settings. #. Install Anaconda using its default options. #. Install Pandoc and wkhtmltopdf with their default options. #. Restart Computer at this point. #. Open up a command prompt and run the following commands:: git lfs install conda update --all cd ~ git clone https://github.com/nick5435/thermo-bridge.git cd thermo-bridge pip install -U -e ThermoPyle[dev] conda update --all #. For a runtime example, open :code:`notebooks/thermo_generic_library_runner.ipynb` using :code:`jupyter notebook` Atom Setup ========== #. Install `Atom `_ using its default settings #. Open up a terminal and run the following commands:: pip install isort autopep8 pep8 linter mypy pygments mypy-lang -U apm install fonts advanced-open-file autocomplete-paths multi-cursor-plus magicpython atom-beautify autocomplete-python file-icons fonts apm install language-markdown language-restructuredtext linter minimap minimap-linter minimap-find-and-replace apm install language-openscad sublime-style-column-selection python-isort python-snippets python-tools script swackets tabs-to-spaces apm install todo-show tool-bar tool-bar-basic atom-material-ui atom-material-syntax-dark #. Open Atom, then go to **File > Settings > Send Telemetry to Atom Team > Do not send any telemetry data**. #. **Settings > Themes > UI Theme > Atom Material** and **Themes > Syntax Theme > Atom Material Dark** #. **Settings > Packages** Disable the following packages: :code:`language-python language-gfm background-tips wrap-guide deprecation-cop exception-reporting metrics open-on-github package-generator styleguide welcome` and whatever language packages you feel that you won't need.